
MTG welcomes special guest Desiree Martinez

Women in Tech love the ever popular rise of video and as July’s theme is FIRE we brought on the MTG stage one of the fieriest women of video around! 

Desiree Martinez is a YouTuber, Podcaster, author, award-winning social media creative content creator, and advocate for Women Creators. She has worked with hundreds of businesses and brands to help them grow their business with better content marketing. Desiree knows what it takes to help your business grow, build a community, and get leads through a very noisy news feed.
As the founder of Women of Video, she is helping to build economic impact and equality for the female creator economy with community, education & resources.
She’s a hot mess mom of two, Mario Kart champ, Slytherin, and nerdy wife living in Michigan.








CO-HOSTS: ⁠@octanedesigns⁠ / ⁠@bougienursebabe⁠ / ⁠@getsillycreative

Picture of octane


Creative, serial entreprenuer, published author, wife and mom of 3. Book Danielle to speak at www.daniellemeadowsstinnett.com.

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