Lately we’ve taken a pause from our regular content. Not because we don’t have anything new, but because we want you to focus on bigger things happening around the world.
People are hurt.
People are angry.
People are trying.
People are dying.
And in the midst of all of it comes a literal understanding of knowledge.
Understanding why people are hurt.
Understanding why people are angry.
Understanding why people are dying.
We know we can’t move forward until we’ve acknowledged a past both heartbreaking and alive (as of today) in systematic racism.
At Octane, we choose to share what we know to help others.
Resources we want to mention
We want you do the work, but if you’re not sure where to start we’ve collected a few resources that could help you beyond the Google search.
From Business Insider:
“Black Americans” by Alphonso Pinkney
So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo
From Sarah Caton of
Blackberries, Blackberries – Crystal Wilkinson
Bone Black – Bell Hooks Bone Black
Assessing Implicit Bias From Danielle Coke of @OhHappyDani
How Can We Win – Kimberly Jones (explicit language)
Do you have additional resources you think would be beneficial for others to learn? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll update this post over the next month.
At the heart of what we do, we choose to be a light through testimonies, reflections and action.
Continue to follow Octane as we unpack ‘the new normal’.