featuring special guest Michelle Franzetti
Welcome to season 2! Meet Michelle Franzetti, owner & photographer of Franzetti Photography, educator and influencer! Michelle is a Lexington-based photographer with a passion for building up women through positive experiences in front of the camera. As Kentucky’s premier boudoir photographer, she believes boudoir can be a healing, uplifting, and incredibly fun experience for all women.
She currently works as the manager of special events for Lexington Parks and Recreation and teaches for the Arts Administration Department with the University of Kentucky.
Learn more about Michelle and other women in the area in the Franz with Benefits facebook group.
Show Notes
Dave Ramsey Teachings
My why has broadened, tapped into your why
Breaking goals into tiny pieces.
“It if takes more than 10 minutes the piece is too big” – Michelle
Getting things done system – organizing in bite size chunks
“You have to start your day with a WIN” – Michelle
Say to yourself everyday before you get out of bed “I’m a winner.” – Michelle
“Cannot force something because it’s popular. You have to do what works for you.” – Michelle
“Progress over perfection.” – Michelle
Write Your Daily Top 3
Powersheets: https://cultivatewhatmatters.com/collections/2020-powersheets
Getting Things Done-task management system: https://gettingthingsdone.com/
Total Money Makeover- first step to understanding how great debt freedom can be: https://www.daveramsey.com/store/product/the-total-money-makeover-book-by-dave-ramsey
Debt Free Charts (so fun for tracking and they have some for free): https://debtfreecharts.com/
Extreme Ownership (this is where I got the concept of starting each day with a win): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0739PYQSS/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Girl, Wash Your Face (the idea of not breaking promises to yourself): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072TMB75T?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_0&storeType=ebooks
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