Have you seen Marvel’s What If series? Well this is our first ever “What If” Halloween Edition series. We had so much fun re-imagining horror stories into actual “wholesome” brands.
Hold your curses and tell us which one is your favorite WHAT IF spin off:
🎃 Chucky with his own techie auto parts store.
🎃 Carrie….your go to girl for drop dead beauty products.
🎃 Little Michael Myers has turned his life around and is busy making high end cutlery and knives.
🎃 Candy man has all the chocolate decadence that you need this Halloween.
Chucky auto parts store

Carrie Beauty Products

Haddonfield cutlery and knives

Candyman Chocolates

Which is your favorite? Be sure to share this post and tell us which horrific brand topped your best seller list. Watch the full reel here.